Important Notices
Important Information about Account Access Recovery
If you are having issues accessing your account, please check
Improperly Registered Game Codes
If you have accidentally entered a registration code on the incorrect service account or Square Enix ID, please check
Problems with Square Enix Accounts
* You are now being redirected to the Square Enix account support site.
I cannot log in with my ID or password
What is a One-Time Password/SQEX security token?
Billing or payment issues
Changing your e-mail address and other account details
Common Issues
Game Time Card FAQ
Why is there such a long login queue?
My account was improperly banned/suspended/restricted.
Several Tips for Returning to FFXIV
Why am I unable to log in?
[Windows] I was disconnected unexpectedly
Why was my connection dropped?
What is the difference between the Steam and Windows PC versions of FINAL FANTASY XIV?
I'm receiving a 401/406/601/i2501 error message when I try to enter my credit card information.
Frequently Asked Questions