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KB Article: 56722
KB Category: [Account/Billing]
KB Sub-category: [Reactivation] [Cancellation]

How to cancel and reactivate automatically continuous options

How to cancel automatically continuous options

1)   Log into the SQUARE ENIX Account Management System.
2)   Select ‘PlayOnline/Final Fantasy XI Service Accounts’.
3)   Check the Service Account where the options you want to cancel are located. If you select ‘Cancel Service’, this will cancel everything under the Service Account. If you wish to cancel specific options, select ‘Options List’.
4)   Under ‘Options Cancelled/To Be Cancelled’, check the Options you wish to cancel and select ‘Cancel’. Read the terms and confirm the cancellation of the Options by selecting ‘Next’.
5)   You can check the status of your cancelled Options by going back to the Options List and under ‘Options Cancelled/To Be Cancelled’, your cancelled Options will show as ‘To be Cancelled/Cancelled’ depending on the end date of your billing cycle.

How to reactivate automatically continuous options

1)   Log into the SQUARE ENIX Account Management System.
2)   Select ‘PlayOnline/Final Fantasy XI Service Accounts’.
3)   Check the Service Account where the Options you want to reactivate are located. If the service account itself is cancelled, it can be reactivated by selecting ‘Reactivate Service’. If you wish to reactivate specific Options, select ‘Options List’.
4)   Under ‘Options Cancelled/To Be Cancelled’, check the Options you wish to reactivate and select ‘Reactivate’. Read the terms and confirm the reactivation of the Options by selecting ‘Next’.
5)   Confirm your payment method and contract period. Select‘Reactivate’ to complete the process.
6)   You can check the status of your reactivated Options by going back to the Options List and under ‘Options Cancelled/To Be Cancelled’, your reactivated Options will show as ‘Recurring’.

How to cancel automatically continuous options

1)   Log into the SQUARE ENIX Account Management System.
2)   Select ‘Mog Station’.
3)   Select ‘Your Account’ or ‘Manage Service Options’.
4)   Under ‘Service Account Status’, select ‘Cancel Subscription’ to cancel your recurring game time. Select ‘Next’ to complete the process.
5)   If you have any paid retainers, they can be cancelled under ‘Miscellaneous Options’ -> ‘Retainer Service’. Select ‘Cancel Subscription’to cancel the retainer services. Note that this will NOT cancel your recurring game time.
6)   To confirm the cancellation status of your subscription/retainers, check under ‘Service Account Status’. You may still have game time depending on your remaining days left in your billing cycle. If the game time has expired, your subscription/retainers should show as ‘Inactive’.

How to reactivate automatically continuous options

1)   Log into the SQUARE ENIX Account Management System.
2)   Select ‘Mog Station’.
3)   Select ‘Your Account’ or ‘Manage Service Options’. Both will take you to the same screen.
4)   To reactivate your subscription, under ‘Subscription Renewal’, select your payment method ‘Credit Card/Crysta Payment’ or ‘Add GameTime Card’. Selecting ‘Credit Card/Crysta Payment’ will require you to confirm your payment method and your subscription type/period. Selecting ‘Add Game TimeCard’ will automatically provide a Standard subscription for a 60-day period once the Game Time Card code is entered.
5)   To reactivate your retainers, under ‘‘Miscellaneous Options’,select ‘Retainer Service’. Choose the number of retainers you wish to activate/reactivate under the drop-down menu. Select ‘Next’ to confirm your options. Your retainers will automatically be subscribed for your current game time subscription period.

You can check the status of your reactivated Options under ‘Service Account Status’. Your subscription will show as ‘Recurring’. The number of activated paid retainers will show here as well.

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