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KB Article: 12656
KB Category: [In-Game/Game Contents]
KB Sub-category: [Rules and Policies]

Determining Harassment

Harassment is generally defined as behavior that is not socially acceptable within the game. Specifically, it refers to actions that interfere with a person's gameplay by insulting or hurting specific individuals or groups (of any race, ethnicity, region, religion, organization or gender). 

Harassment using chat
Using say, tell, party, shout or emote to insult or hurt other players based on their race, ethnicities, regions, religions, organizations or gender is strictly prohibited. This also applies to any in-game names or messages that can be read by players. Even if it was meant as a joke, offensive terms should not be used and are not allowed.

Harassment using in-game actions
Stalking or any in-game action that interferes with another player's gameplay is strictly prohibited. Having a gathering or creating a linkshell specifically to attack individual players or groups of players is likewise prohibited.

When reporting such behavior, GMs will perform an investigation based on the information provided to determine whether or not the behavior is considered to be harassment.

If you are being harassed, please report the matter to a GM in-game by using the /helpdesk function. You can also contact the SQUARE ENIX Support Center by selecting the "Additional Assistance" button located at the bottom of this Knowledge Base article if you are viewing this from the SQUARE ENIX Support Center site.