Unlink SEN Account: Support Form

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If you have mistakenly linked a Sony Entertainment Network account to the wrong Square Enix account, please use this form to obtain assistance.
Please submit your request after thoroughly reading and agreeing to the terms listed below.
Please note that we are unable to provide assistance for this matter unless you agree to these terms.

  • Assistance can only be offered to those experiencing one of the following issues. We are unable provide assistance for any reasons other than the ones listed below.
  • You mistakenly linked your Sony Entertainment Network account to the wrong Square Enix account.
  • The service account to which the game was mistakenly registered to will be permanently disabled during this process.
  • While you can normally have up to eight service accounts on a Square Enix ID, once the service account in question is permanently disabled, you will no longer to be able to use it.
  • *If you accidentally registered entitlements for both the Windows and PlayStation®4 (or PlayStation®5) versions to the service account in question, we will only remove the entitlements for the PlayStation®4 (or PlayStation®5) version. In this case, the maximum number of service accounts to which entitlements can be added will be unchanged.
  • Unfortunately we cannot offer refunds for any subscription fees that have already been paid for on the mistakenly registered Square Enix ID. We are also unable to transfer the subscription status from one account to another and you will be required to set up your subscription again once the process is complete.
  • This service is offered only once per customer. We will be unable to provide assistance for any requests that are submitted after the initial service.
  • This service can take up to two weeks to process.
  • We may deny a request depending on the status of the subscription. If your request denied, a response will be sent to the email address you enter on your form.

Please enter your details in the form below.

* Required Field
To the above terms*  
Square Enix ID*
Security Question*
Name* First:

Middle Initial:

Zip Code*
E-mail Address*
* Please enter your SQUARE ENIX Account Email Address.
Confirm E-mail Address*
Date of Birth* / /
Square Enix ID(Intended)
* Please enter the Square Enix ID that the PSN account is currently linked to under "Square Enix ID*" and the Square Enix ID that you were intending to link the PSN account to under "Square Enix ID (Intended).
Contact Email Address*
Confirm Email Address*
* Please enter an Email address for us to contact you.
Contact Details

Personal information entered on this contact form will be used to respond to your inquiry or question, in line with our Privacy Notice.

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