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Registered Information Change Request Form

Enter details

Once you fill out this form we will review the details of your request. Please understand this form does not guarantee we will be making the requested changes.

Below, we will be requesting information regarding your SQUARE ENIX account details to verify you as the owner, and the information that you wish to change on your account.

Note: Please be prepared to upload official documentation (e.g. driver license, passport, etc.) as this will be needed for us to verify your new information.

To begin the account information change process, please fill out this form and submit it below.

Please enter your details in the form below.

* Required Field
Contact Email Address*
Confirm Email Address*
* Please enter an Email address for us to contact you.
Square Enix ID* If you do not know the required information, please provide your best guess.
Name* First:

Middle Initial:

Date of Birth* / /
Zip Code*
E-mail Address*
* Please enter your SQUARE ENIX Account Email Address.
Confirm E-mail Address*
Security Question*
Registration Code
What information registered on your Square Enix account do you wish to change?*
Please explain the reason for the change request.