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KB Article: 78571
KB Category: [Account/Billing]
KB Sub-category: [Registration Information]

How to log into the Square Enix Store

If you are experiencing difficulties logging into the SQUARE ENIX Online Store page, resetting your SQUARE ENIX Members password may help. Follow the instructions below to reset your password.

1) To log in to the SQUARE ENIX Online Store, go to the SQUARE ENIX Members Site using either of the links below: 

2) Select 'LOG IN', located in the top right corner of the page.
NOTE: The appearance of the "LOG IN" button may vary depending on the size of your browser window.

3) On the login page, select the "SQUARE ENIX Account" option, located above the Facebook and Steam options.

4) Log in using your SQUARE ENIX Account information.
(This is the same login information used to log in to FINAL FANTASY XIV or the MOG STATION.)

Should the site prompt you to provide information, please do so and save your changes.
You may choose any username and nickname you prefer, although some nicknames may already be in use.
(Although not required, using a different nickname may help you distinguish between the sites.)

5) Select “Store” at the top of the page, or go to https://store.na.square-enix-games.com/en_US/.

6) Select the "LOG IN" button, located in the top right corner of the Online Store page.
NOTE: The appearance of the "LOG IN" button may vary depending on the size of your browser window. Its default location is in top right corner of the page.

7) When prompted whether you would like to retrieve past purchases, you may select "Yes" if you had a previous SQUARE ENIX Online Store account. If you are unable to log in to the SQUARE ENIX Online Store using the Facebook, Steam, or Email/Password options, you may be able to log in with this method.
Please contact the SQUARE ENIX Support Center if you are unable to retrieve your past purchases.

If you do not have a previous SQUARE ENIX Online Store account, select "No".

SQUARE ENIX Online Store Login Page:

Below are some visual examples that indicate that you are successfully logged in.

When logged in to the SQUARE ENIX Members website, the menu bar displays the account avatar, or a default silhouette if an avatar has not been selected for the account.

When logged in to the SQUARE ENIX Store website, it will display the "My Account" menu.

If your web browser continually refreshes or immediately signs you out while attempting to log in to the SQUARE ENIX Online Store or SQUARE ENIX Members website, please try logging in using a different web browser.
We recommend using Microsoft Edge for the best results.