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KB Article: 57682
KB Category: [Account/Billing]
KB Sub-category: [Compromised SQUARE ENIX ID]

How does the login restriction work?

As part of a measure to prevent Square Enix Accounts from being compromised, we have implemented an automatic system to restrict logins when any abnormal activity is detected. You will then receive the following message when you attempt to log in: “Based upon recent suspicious activity, we have identified that your account may potentially be at risk. For your protection, we have temporarily suspended login access to this account. Instructions for lifting this restriction have been sent to the email address registered to your Square Enix Account.” This does not directly indicate that the account was compromised.

Customers with accounts for FINAL FANTASY XI and/or FINAL FANTASY XIV linked to the same Square Enix Account will have access to both games restricted. Once a login restriction is placed, it can only be removed by the account owner. The Square Enix Support Center cannot remove login restrictions on behalf of users. Instructions to remove the login restriction will be emailed to the registered email on the account.

If you wish to log into the account again once you have received a login restriction, please reset the account password to lift the login restriction here.

To prevent this in the future, you can add a Software or Security token to the account. This will require the use of a one-time password upon every log in while either of these options is active on the account. The physical security token can be purchased for $14.99 on this page or you can download the free software version for your Android or iPhone device.
*New applications for the Square Enix Software Token have been discontinued as of November 20, 2023.

For additional information regarding these options, please go here.

How do I take measures to prevent my account from being compromised?