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KB Article: 12855
KB Category: [Security Tokens]
KB Sub-category: [Lost]

I lost my SQUARE ENIX Security Token.

Physical Token
Please contact the Square Enix Support Center for assistance with suspending or removing the lost keychain token. You can contact the SQUARE ENIX Support Center by selecting the "Additional Assistance" button located at the bottom of this article.

If the token is temporarily lost, and there is a chance that the token can be recovered, you can request to have the token suspended on the account. This will allow the SQUARE ENIX Support Center representatives to restore usage of the token back on the account should you locate the token at a later time.

If the token is lost permanently, the SQUARE ENIX Support Center can assist with permanently removing the token to gain access to the SQUARE ENIX account.

* Please note that removing a physical token from an account will render it permanently unusable.

Software Token
A lost software token can be removed via the Emergency Removal Password. Please refer to the following article for instructions on performing the Emergency Removal: https://support.na.square-enix.com/faqarticle.php?kid=66690&id=496

If the Emergency Removal Password is not available, you will need to contact the SQUARE ENIX Support Center for assistance to remove the software token off the account. Please use the form below to request support from the SQUARE ENIX Support Center.