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KB Article: 12832
KB Category: [Security Tokens]
KB Sub-category: [Unlink]

How do I remove the Square Enix Security Token from an account?

Physical Token
 1) Log in to the Square Enix Account Management System (http://sqex.to/KeD) using your Square Enix ID and password.
 2) Go to "Service and Options" and select "One-Time Password."
 3) Select "Adjust Security Token (key ring type) settings" and choose "Security Token removal" and follow the steps for removing the Security Token.

Software Token
 ▼ If you are still able to log into the Square Enix Account Management System using a One-Time Password:
 1) Log in to the Square Enix Account Management System (http://sqex.to/KeD) using your Square Enix ID and password.
 2) Go to "Service and Options" and select "One-Time Password."
 3) Select "Adjust Software Token (smartphone application) settings" and choose "Software Token removal" and follow the steps for removing the Software Token.

 ▼ If you are unable to log into the Square Enix Account Management System due to having switched phones or deleting the application:
 1) Go to the Software Token Emergency Removal page (https://secure.square-enix.com/account/app/svc/coercioncan) and enter Square Enix ID, password, and the Emergency Removal Password.
 2) An e-mail containing the Software Token removal URL will be sent to the e-mail address registered to your Square Enix Account.
 3) Click on the URL to remove your Software Token.

* Note that the URL will expire after 60 minutes. If the URL has expired, the Emergency Removal process will need to be restarted.

Please visit the following article for instructions on obtaining your Software Token Emergency Removal Password: https://sqex.to/btruj

 ▼ If you have lost your Emergency Removal Password, please use the form below to request support from the Square Enix Support Center.
* For FINAL FANTASY XI, removing the Security Token will not cause the removal of the Mog Satchel. For FINAL FANTASY XIV, removing the Security Token will remove the free Aetheryte destination bonus.