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KB Article: 12818
KB Category: [Security Tokens]
KB Sub-category: [Products & Services]

Do I have to use a one-time password to log in?

The one-time password feature is only required when using a registered and active Square Enix Security Token. If you do not have a Square Enix Security Token or Software Token smartphone app, then you do not need to use the one-time password feature.

If you have not registered a Square Enix Security Token, set the one-time password to “Do Not Use” when launching FINAL FANTASY XI. Similarly, leave the one-time password field blank when logging in to FINAL FANTASY XIV.

For more information on the Square Enix Security or Software Token, please visit the following page:


Please note, the Software Token service will only become available once you have purchased either FINAL FANTASY XI or FINAL FANTASY XIV and registered the accompanying registration code to the intended Square Enix account.