Frequently Asked Questions

I accidentally registered my game code or Early Access Code to the wrong Service Account or Square Enix ID.

If you have accidentally registered a registration code to an incorrect service account or Square Enix ID, please follow the relevant instructions below:
Registered game code to the wrong Service Account

 1) Use the Incorrectly Registered Service Account Support Form:
 2) The "Terms of Service" and "Contact Detail Entry Fields" will be displayed. Fill out all required fields and click "Next."
 3) Confirm that the details were entered correctly and click "Send."
 4) Please await a response from our team advising on any updates or if any extra information is required.

Registered game code to the wrong SQUARE ENIX ID

 1) Use the Incorrectly Registered SQUARE ENIX ID Support Form:
 2) The "Terms of Service" and "Contact Detail Entry Fields" will be displayed. Fill out all required fields and click "Next."
 3) Confirm that the details were entered correctly and click "Send."
 4) Please await a response from our team advising on any updates or if any extra information is required.
Registered Early Access code to wrong Service Account or SQUARE ENIX ID

 1) Click “Additional Assistance” at the bottom of this article.
 2) Enter "Incorrect Registration Support Form" in the "Summary of your inquiry" field and click "Next".
 3) Click “Next” again in the subsequent screen.
 4) Click on “Proceed to Email Support.”
 5) Enter your contact details. Please be sure to include the registration code and the SQUARE ENIX ID you meant to register the code to within the “Detailed Condition” field. Once you have entered all of the necessary information, click “Next.”
 6) Verify the contact details and then click “Submit.”

* We are only able to provide assistance if the account information for the Square Enix account on which the code was mistakenly registered and the intended Square Enix account match. This recovery can also only be performed once per account.

FAQ Article: 68476
FAQ Category: [Accounts/ID] / FAQ Sub-category: [Registration Code]

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