What is the "Recruit a Friend" Campaign?
The Recruit a Friend Campaign provides exclusive in-game rewards to both you and a friend you recruit to FINAL FANTASY XIV, according to the cumulative number of days your friend is subscribed to the game.
For further details on the Recruit a Friend campaign, go here.
To learn how to enter a recruitment code, go here.
How do I recruit a friend?
Simply log in to the Mog Station and follow the steps below to recruit a friend, then send them the recruitment code to get started!
* If you possess multiple service accounts, you will be taken to the service account selection screen. Please carefully navigate through the tabs and select the correct service account you wish to receive the recruitment rewards on, then select "Use This Service Account."

2. Scroll down to to the bottom of the page and select "Issue Recruitment Code" under "Others."

3. After carefully reviewing the applicable Terms & Conditions, share the recruitment code that is displayed on-screen with your friend.

* Friends can only be recruited from a service account with a valid subscription.
* A recruitment code can only be sent one at a time with a 3-hour cooldown period in between. If you wish to recruit multiple friends or if a friend was unable to receive their original code for some reason, please wait for 3 hours before issuing a new recruitment code.
Is there a way to see if the recruitment was successful?
Yes, to see if the recruitment was successful, log into the Mog Station using the Square Enix Account you used to recruit the friend and check the "Service Account Status" page in the menu on the left hand side of the screen. You will see the number of successful recruitments displayed next to the "Number of Friends Recruited" field. Please keep in mind that you can’t see which specific friends you’ve recruited. However, you will be notified by email when your friend enters their recruitment code which would indicate a successful recruitment.
*Please note: the reward items are sent to the friend after a fixed number of subscription days, rather than the date they were recruited on.
Can I find out how long my recruited friend has been subscribed?
No, you will have to ask the friend you recruited for additional information.
Can I arrange to recruit more than one friend?
Yes, you can recruit multiple friends by sending each of them a recruitment code to redeem. However, a code can only be sent one at a time with a 3-hour cooldown period in between. If you wish to recruit multiple friends or if a friend was unable to receive their original code for some reason, please wait for 3 hours before issuing a new recruitment code.
Also, the bonus items from this campaign can only be received once on one service account. Please be aware the same item cannot be received multiple times by inviting multiple friends (only the first time counts).
I encountered an error when using my recruitment code. What should I do?
One of the following 3 errors could be displayed:
■"The code entered is incorrect"
The code must be entered in alphanumeric characters. Please pay attention to easily confused characters like '1' (number) and 'I' (upper case 'i') etc., then ensure all alphabetic and numerical characters are entered exactly as written and try again.
■"The code entered has already been redeemed"
Recruitment codes can only be used once. If you require a new code, then please ask your friend to send another one.
■"The code entered has expired"
Recruitment codes are valid for 120 days after being issued. If the code is not used during this time, then please ask your friend to send another one.
I haven't received my bonus items from the Recruit a Friend campaign. What should I do?
Rewards are distributed automatically via Mog Letter after the recruited friend reaches subscription milestones. You will receive the items in-game once the required conditions are met.
The friend must be on a paid subscription (either standard or entry level) for a certain number of days to claim the first reward, independent of the 30-day free play period. Players who wish to receive their items sooner can use a Game Time Card to add subscription time to the account.
Also, the bonus item from this campaign can only be received once on one service account. Please be aware the same item can't be received multiple times by inviting multiple friends (only the first time counts).