Frequently Asked Questions

Troubleshooting guide to FINAL FANTASY XIV on PlayStation®4.

The following is a list of the most common questions we have received for the PlayStation®4 version of FINAL FANTASY XIV:
Unable to register the PlayStation®4 version package license for the Standard/Collector’s Edition (CE) license after upgrading.
As you can only register one license per platform on a single service account, you cannot register another package version license to a service account that already contains a PlayStation®4 license.

We recommend that customers who wish to acquire the in-game items from the Collector's Edition(s) should use the digital upgrade service to do so.

The Collector's Edition Digital Upgrade service is available on the Mog Station ( For more general information on the service, and what items are included with each upgrade, please visit the official main product page for FINAL FANTASY XIV at

Unable to log in/play with the current SQUARE ENIX ID after starting the game on PlayStation®4.
Customers who wish to play using the same SQUARE ENIX ID that they used for the PlayStation®3 or PC version must log in to the same Sony Entertainment Network ID (or PlayStation Network account) used on the PlayStation®3. Logging in with a new Sony Entertainment Network ID will not be able to access their SQUARE ENIX ID.

Please ensure you are signed into PlayStation®4 using the same SEN ID as the PlayStation®3 version.

PC users also need to register their PlayStation®4 license to the same service account as the Windows version to use the same character, and then confirm they are logged in with the same SQUARE ENIX ID as the Windows version.

*IMPORTANT* Please be aware that we are unable to assist customers who have registered their game code to another Sony Entertainment Network account by mistake.
Family members, friends, or others playing on one SQUARE ENIX Account.
Please refrain from sharing your SQUARE ENIX Account with other users, including friends and family. FINAL FANTASY XIV does not require PlayStation Plus to play online, so each person playing should have a separate SQUARE ENIX Account linked to their own PlayStation Network account.

Please refer to the FAQ below if you would like several people to have simultaneous access to the game:

Did not receive bonus items from the Collector’s Edition.
The Collector's Edition in-game items are delivered to players by Mog Letter. If you have yet to receive them, please try logging out/in again and seeing if the items were sent to you by Mog Letter. Your mail box can also fill up; please delete older messages and click on the Re-send button. If you still do not receive your items within an hour, please contact the in-game Game Masters by typing /supportdesk.

If the above did not assist, or if you have any further questions, please check the FAQ for more information or click on the "Additional Assistance" button at the bottom of the page to contact the Square Enix Support Center.

FAQ Article: 70336
FAQ Category: [Product Specifications] / FAQ Sub-category: [Gameplay Procedures]

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