Frequently Asked Questions

I cannot log in to my account.

There are several reasons users may experience difficulties when attempting to log in.

Forgotten Square Enix ID and/or Password

Related error message: ‘ID or password is incorrect.’

If you are unable to locate your Square Enix ID, you should first attempt to log in using the email address registered to the Square Enix ID. Once logged in, the Square Enix ID should display at the top of the page. Please be aware that email addresses must match the registered e-mail address on the Square Enix Account, including case sensitivity. If the casing does not match the account as it was registered, the system will send an e-mail stating that the address is not associated with a Square Enix Account.

If you have forgotten your password, please use the password reset function ( Please keep in mind that the Security Question and Answer needed to change the password is also case sensitive. When registering an account, users are forced to select and answer one of the four predetermined questions. If you have forgotten or are not sure which question you chose, please attempt to answer each of the questions provided. Spaces are also accepted as valid characters in Secret Answers. If you are certain of the answer for your chosen Secret Question, yet the system is not accepting your entry, please try adding a space before or after your entry.

If you continue to have difficulties, please contact the Square Enix Support Center by using the Additional Assistance button below.

Security Token Users

Related error message: ‘The password entered is invalid, please enter a valid password’

There may be cases where the 6-digit One Time Password code provided by the physical security token or software token was entered too late, and the system will reject it on that basis. Please generate a new code and try again. In other cases, the token may be out of sync with the system. If you require assistance to remove the token from the Square Enix Account, or if you believe your physical token may be out of sync with the network, please contact the Square Enix Support Center by using the Additional Assistance button below.

Login Restriction

Related error message: ‘Based upon recent suspicious activity, we have identified that your account may potentially be at risk. For your protection, we have temporarily suspended login access to this account. Instructions for lifting this restriction have been sent to the email address registered to your Square Enix Account.’

The login restriction is an automatic system that will trigger on accounts to protect them if any abnormal activity is detected. This does not directly indicate that the account was compromised. Please see the common reasons below that could trigger a login restriction on the account:

- Logging into the game, the Square Enix Account Management System or the Mog Station using a different device.
- Using a different IP address than the previous.
- An extended period of time has passed since your last login.
- Accessing any of the connected accounts and services while using a VPN.

To prevent this in the future, you can add a Software or Security token to the account. This will require the use of a one-time password upon every log in but you will no longer receive login restrictions while either of these options is active on the account. The physical security token can be purchased for $14.99 ( or you can download the free software version for your Android or iPhone device.

For additional information regarding these options, please refer to the following link:

If you wish to log into the account again once you have received a login restriction, please reset the account password using the following link:


If there is ongoing maintenance, you will not be able to log into the Square Enix Account or the respective game. Please visit one of the following pages for more information regarding system maintenance for each specific service:

Square Enix Account (



If the reasons above do not help resolve your issue, feel free to contact the Square Enix Support Center for assistance by using the ‘Additional Assistance’ button below.

FAQ Article: 67426
FAQ Category: [Accounts/ID] [Official App] / FAQ Sub-category: [Login Issues] [Login Issues]

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