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KB Article: 76881
KB Category: [Security Tokens]
KB Sub-category: [Unlink]

How to confirm your Software Token Emergency Removal Password

1) Log in to the Square Enix Account Management System (http://sqex.to/KeD).
2) After you have logged into the Square Enix Account Management System, your Emergency Removal Password will be displayed under “Token Usage Status” below the “Square Enix Account Information” section in the middle of the page.

The Serial Number and Emergency Removal Password are unique to each new registration of a Software Token. After you complete a new registration of a Software Token, you must obtain a new one-time Emergency Removal Password from the Square Enix Account Management System.

Please be sure to follow the above steps to confirm and store your Emergency Removal Password in a safe place, as you will need it if you accidentally switch phones or delete the application without first removing the Software Token from the linked account. After you have switched phones or deleted your application, this password will be necessary to perform the emergency removal of the Software Token.

Please refer to the following article for instructions on how to remove the Square Enix Security Token or Software Token from the account: https://sqex.to/6XxWG