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Contact Us

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Customer Service

For general inquiries, begin by selecting the contact category that best relates to your issue and provide a brief description of your issue

A list of relevant Knowledge Base articles that are related to your issue will be provided. Please review this list to find likely answers to your issue

If the supplied articles do not provide an answer to your inquiry, then you will have an option to seek further assistance


To submit suggestions and feedback, click the button below.

We will review your suggestions/feedback, but please note that you will not receive a response from us.

Violation/Harassment Report

Please submit reports concerning harassment (or any form of inappropriate behavior) received in FOAMSTARS through the game itself. For details on what constitutes as harassment (inappropriate behavior), please refer to the User Agreement and Gameplay Video & Live Streaming Guidelines.

How to send a report in-game:
1) After the conclusion of a match, go to "Check Participants" in the results screen, select the offending player, and then choose "Report." This will open the Support Center website in a browser.
2) Select "Contact" and then "Violation/Harassment Report."
3) Fill out the report subject and enter details about the harassment or violation.
*If the incident occurred in a prior match, you can still locate and report the offending player by going to "SOCIAL" and selecting "Recent Players."

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You probably won’t be surprised to hear that we’ve updated our Privacy Notice. Please do take the time to read our new, more informative, easier to read and easier to understand, Privacy Notice.