Romancing SaGa Re;UniverSe
Latest News
2020/11/11 07:00 from Romancing SaGa Re;UniverSe

Setting Error for Certain Item Price in Certain Regions

Dear Players,

Our team found a settings error for the price of the "14,000 Jewels (Limit: 3)" pack in the Jewel Shop on Google Play.
This issue has been fixed in an emergency maintenance for the Jewel Shop on Wednesday 11/11/2020 15:00 UTC.

Price adjusted on a certain platform in certain regions:
・South Africa

As compensation for the emergency maintenance, we will be giving out the following items to all players:

・600 free jewels

*The compensation will be sent directly to your Present Box.

Compensation Claim Period
Wednesday 11/11/2020 16:30 UTC - Thursday 26/11/2020 16:29 UTC

Also, for players who bought the "14,000 Jewels (Limit: 3)" pack during Wednesday 11/11/2020 01:00 UTC - Wednesday 11/11/2020 12:30 UTC at the price before it was fixed will receive paid jewels corresponding to the difference in price.

Compensation Claim Period
Wednesday 11/11/2020 16:30 UTC – Saturday 5/12/2020 16:29 UTC

*The compensation will be sent directly to your Present Box.

We apologize again for any inconvenience caused by the emergency maintenance.

Dear Players,

Our team has found a settings error in Google Play for the price of a certain item in the Jewel Shop in certain regions:

.14,000 Jewels (Limit:3)

In order to fix this error, the Jewel Shop in Google Play is now under emergency maintenance.

Any further information will be updated in this announcement.

We thank you for your understanding.

We hope you continue to support Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe.