Hello from the OCTOPATH TRAVELER: CotC Dev. Team.
Recently, Apple Inc. announced global pricing updates.
In accordance with this, we will be performing shop maintenance during the time period below.
During this maintenance, Ruby Shop and Special Shop functionality will be unavailable and players will be unable to purchase Rubies, but all other game content will be available.
After this maintenance is complete, the prices of in-app purchases will be updated using pricing in the United States as a basis.
As a result, pricing will be equalized to the United States in all other regions where OCTOPATH TRAVELER: Champions of the Continent is available.
Maintenance Period
2023/4/20 22:00 - 4/21 03:00 (UTC)
Starting Date:
2023/4/21 (after maintenance is complete)
・Depending on your circumstances, it may take some time for the updated prices to be reflected.
・If making a purchase around the same time that prices are updated, be advised that when confirming the purchase, the price displayed in-game may differ from the one displayed on the App Store.
In the event of such a discrepancy, the correct price will be the one on the App Store.
・The update timing may change depending on maintenance conditions.
・The dates and details of this notice are subject to change without notice.
Thank you for playing OCTOPATH TRAVELER: CotC.