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KB Article: 80457
KB Category: [Products & Services]
KB Sub-category: [Product Specifications]

[Remastered] Does the game support cloud saves?

Cloud saves are possible following the steps outlined below.
The cloud save feature is available from Version 1.0.1 so please update the app to Version 1.0.1 in order to use this feature.

◆ iOS
・Sign in to iCloud on your device.
・Make sure iCloud Drive is enabled.
・Save data will automatically be stored to iCloud.

◆ Android
・Sign in to your Google account on your device.
・Install Google Play Games on your device.
・Launch the game and tap the cloud icon on the title screen.
(The icon will not be displayed if you are already connected to Google Play Games.)
・Save data will automatically be stored to Google Play Games.

・If you already have a save data for Version 1.0.0, the data will automatically be saved to the cloud storage upon launching the game.
・The device must be connected to the internet in order to save to the cloud storage.
・Cloud auto-saves are limited to once every three minutes in order to reduce data usage.
・Saving data may take several minutes, depending on your network environment.
・Please note that you cannot resume gameplay using previous save data after switching devices if you have not saved the data to the cloud storage.
・For data transfers, the same Apple ID or Google account must be used.
・Save data cannot be stored between different operating systems.
・When saving data to the cloud storage for the first time, do not use multiple devices at the same time. Please take caution as the save data could be overwritten depending on the timing at which the data is saved to the cloud storage.