Romancing SaGa Re;UniverSe
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KB Article: 79488
KB Category: [Account/Billing]
KB Sub-category: [Billing Issues]

The Jewels I purchased don’t show up in game.

It may take some time for gems to show up depending on how good your connection is.
If the purchased gems do not show up after waiting for a while, please try the following.

・ Close “Romancing SaGa Re;UniverSe” and restart the application.
・Turn off the power to the cell phone and then turn it back on after a few minutes.
・After restarting, check to see if Jewels show up by going to the Jewel purchasing screen.

If the gems still do not show up in-game after waiting for a while, please use the “Additional Assistance” button towards the bottom to contact us and fill out all the required information (Google Play order number, etc.) in the e-mail form.

If you use iOS, we are unable to provide a refund, so please contact Apple Inc. support.