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KB Article: 78361
KB Category: [Technical Support]
KB Sub-category: [Crash / Freeze] [Crash / Freeze]

[PS3] My game has crashed/shutdown unexpectedly.

We would like to recommend the following troubleshooting solutions that may resolve the error you are experiencing:

1) Please ensure that your console is set to a compatible language setting to match that of the software. (ENGLISH - US will always be the default language setting for the North American version.)

2) Power-cycling the PlayStation console may help clear any accumulated cache/cookies that may cause certain errors when attempting to run the software. Please use the steps provided below to power-cycle your console:
a) Shut down the console and make sure it is set to Power OFF.
b) Unplug all the cords from the back of the system.
c) Press the power button repeatedly for 10 seconds so the system will drain the stored power.
d) Replug the cords.
e) Restart the console.
f) Start the game.

3) Please be sure to check if there are any scratches or damage to the disc which could cause the laser to have a problem reading it.

4) If you are experiencing problems in some other area of the game, or it is inconsistent to WHERE the game is experiencing errors, it might be something within the system. You may want to try using a cleaner for your system, which can generally be purchased at any video game retailer.

5) If you are playing with your PlayStation 3 lying flat, you may want to try placing it on its side and playing with it vertically.

6) If none of those tips work, try the game in another PlayStation 3 at that point to see if it does the same thing. Video game retailers usually have systems for demonstration purposes, and they are usually cooperative when this type of request is made.

7) We do highly recommend to keep your PlayStation 3 updated, please navigate to the System Update option on the PlayStation 3.

8) Please try updating your PlayStation 3 to the most recent firmware.

We hope this information has been helpful. If the error persists after trying the aforementioned troubleshooting solutions, please feel free to contact us by selecting the 'Additional Assistance' button on the bottom of the page.