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KB Article: 12129
KB Category: [In-Game/Game Contents]
KB Sub-category: [Rules and Policies]

Someone said they were a SQUARE ENIX employee and asked me to do something during the game.

In the chance that Square Enix employees show themselves in Vana'diel, they will have a special icon next to their character name. When being contacted by them through "tell," the GMs will have "[GM]" next to their name in the message. These features will allow players to identify Square Enix employees. There are occasions where a GM will contact a player in the game. If a player happens to to be contacted by a GM, please follow their instruction.

There may be a case where the individual pretends to be a staff member. This behavior is a violation of the PlayOnline rules of conduct. If you encounter this type of behavior, disregard their instructions and report the matter to a GM in game. You can also contact the SQUARE ENIX Support Center by selecting the "Additional Assistance" button located at the bottom of this Knowledge Base article if you are viewing this from the SQUARE ENIX Support Center site.

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