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KB Article: 12657
KB Category: [In-Game/Game Contents]
KB Sub-category: [Rules and Policies]

How GMs decide between testimonies in a harassment case.

In cases where a player claims harassment by another player, we cannot simply rely on the word of the reporter. Unfortunately, there are some players that may try to abuse the system and falsely report harassment as a means of harassing another person. As such, a fair judgment of the case cannot be reached by simply relying on testimony. Instead, our GMs examine and confirm the facts objectively in order to decide whether or not the actions in contention are considered harassment.

If a GM rules that the action(s) in question did not constitute harassment, it is because the action did not meet the GM's definition of harassment. However, this does not mean that we are denying that the player in question was harassed. If you feel you are being harassed, please make sure you consult with a GM.

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