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KB Article: 60245
KB Category: [Products & Services]
KB Sub-category: [Product Specifications]

Are there any restrictions placed on a free trial account?

The free trial allows players the opportunity to take their first steps into the world of FINAL FANTASY XI, but does have certain restrictions associated with it. Please take note of the following restrictions on free trial accounts:

Free trial period: Free trial players will be able to play for free for 14 days and will be marked with a beginner’s icon.
Character creation limit: Free trial players will be able to create up to three (3) characters per account.
Level 50 cap: Free trial players will be able to level their characters up to level 50. A character’s levels will not increase even if experience points are gained. However, players will still be able to participate in events and quests.
Area restrictions: Free trial players will only be able to access areas included in the initial FINAL FANTASY XI release (not including Rise of the Zilart areas).
Placing items up for auction/bidding on auctions: Free trial players will not be able to place items up for auction, place bids on auctions, or view other players’ items up for auction.
Gil limit: Free trial players can earn up to a maximum of 100,000 gil. Any gil earned beyond that will not be accounted for.
Trading with other players/using the bazaar: Free trial players will not be able to trade items with other players or use the bazaar feature to buy or sell items.
Inviting players to a party: Free trial players will not be able to invite other players to a party. However, free trial players are able to join parties when they are invited.
Mog House Delivery Box: Free trial players will not be able to use the Mog House Delivery Box feature.
Tell/shout/yell: Free trial players will not be able to use the /tell, /shout, or /yell chat features. However, they will be able to reply to /tell messages from party members and other players.
World Transfer Service: Free trial accounts are unable to use the World Transfer Service.
Mentor: Free trial characters are not able to become mentors (even if they fulfill the requirements of reaching level 30 and playing for over 180 hours).
■ Free trial account holders will not be able to take part in "Unity Concord."